Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FIAE Chapter 10

The conditions for allowing students to redo work for full credit were addressed in this chapter. I think the most useful piece of advice in this chapter is to create a policy that allows you to withhold the right for students to redo work depending on certain circumstances. If a student purposefully blows off a test, then he or she really shouldn’t be given a second opportunity when they did not take advantage of the first opportunity. With this policy, however, will come parents who disagree, so I also think it is important to inform parents at the beginning of the year that that is how you will be handling make up work throughout the year. I also don’t think that the redo assignment needs to be the exact same as the original assignment, especially if it was something that the student put a lot of time and effort into creating. In that case, I would find alternate assessments that will still show that the student has mastered the concept. I had a teacher who allowed us to revise essays after we turned them in, which was fairly easy to do, but when we revised projects, sometimes all we had to do was write an explanation of what we would change and why. Writing the explanations caused us to consider the content and material again and gave us another opportunity to show that we do understand what we learned. I think these conditions will certainly be a part of my classroom policy on redoing work.

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